3 June, 2024
2324 Aesthetic Night
The "2324 Aesthetic Night " of St. Antonius Girls’ College was held on the evening of May 24th, and the event concluded successfully with cheers and applause.

The program was diverse, including an English drama, dance performances, recitations, sand painting, singing, and musical instrument performances. Thanks to the active participation and hard work of the teachers and students both on stage and behind the scenes, the show was a great success. This evening show provided a platform for students to apply what they have learned and showcase their talents. Not only the students performing on stage, but even those working behind the scenes were able to understand the importance of art through this event. They were also able to demonstrate the spirit of teamwork, cultivate a sense of responsibility, and develop a proactive attitude, which also increased the students' sense of belonging to the school. This was indeed a rare and memorable experience.

The students' enthusiastic response was particularly evident for the fast-paced dance performances and the teachers and students' singing performances that lingered in the mind. The cheers and applause were unending, and teachers, students, and guests enjoyed an unforgettable and proud evening.