16 July, 2024
Parent Education Activities
To support parents in caring for the mental health of students and foster a positive family culture, the school's Guidance and Counselling Team organized a series of activities, including some parent-child handicraft activities and an emotion workshop on 12th July. The workshop aimed to help parents recognize and manage their own and their children's emotions, and learn appropriate ways of emotional expression and regulation. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, parents gained valuable emotional management skills and enhanced communication and understanding of their children.
The parent education activity was diverse and well-received by parents and students. The event not only improved parents' ability to manage their emotions, but also promoted interaction and understanding between parents and children. Through hands-on creation, parents and children strengthened their emotional bond and cultivated their creativity. The entire activity was successfully completed with positive responses. We will continue to support parents in caring for their children's all-round development.