17 June, 2024
Graduation Ceremony (7 June 2024)
The F.6 graduates finally came to the celebration of a critical stage in their life – finishing six-years of secondary education. This is worth celebrating as this signifies the start of a new page of life.

The graduation ceremony was held on 7th June, 2024 in the school hall. Honourable guests, Supervisor Wong, Principal Chu, teachers and parents gathered together to bring their heartfelt blessings to the F.6 students, wishing them a bright and prosperous future.

We were honoured to have invited the alumnus, Ms Tang Yin Mei, the Assistant Police Community Relations Officer (Kwun Tong District) of Hong Kong Police, to deliver a speech and certificates to our graduates. She shared with us how she overcame all the challenges in her life and her secrets to success. After graduation, Ms Tang decided to pursue her dream of joining the police force. Understanding the importance of life-long learning, she continued her studies and completed her bachelor’s degree. She used her experience to tell graduates that no one is born useless and encouraged them to fully utilize their potential.

The ceremony ended with the graduates singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and a video clip about the happy moments of their school life at SAGC. We wish all the graduates a bright and prosperous future.