8 March, 2024
2022-2023 Red Cross Youth Award Ceremony
8 March, 2024
News Clipping of“Happy Green School Outstanding Award” presented by HK Electric
7 March, 2024
Guide Dog Seminar
5 March, 2024
2nd Term Inter-class Recycling Competition
4 March, 2024
4 March, 2024
19 February, 2024
A “Green Education Drama” arranged by the Environment Education Group
6 February, 2024
Results of Parent-Child Flower Planting Writing Competition(親子花卉種植徵文比賽)
5 February, 2024
Congratulations to our NCS students for winning “The Cheerful NCS Students’ Chinese Penmanship Calligraphy Competition”
5 February, 2024
Chinese Week(中文週) —— SAGC NCS Students’ Chinese Painting Booths
5 February, 2024
新春暖Love Love送暖行動
5 February, 2024